Object-oriented scientific programming with C++¶
Matthias Möller, Jonas Thies, Cálin Georgescu, Jingya Li (Numerical Analysis, DIAM)
Lecture 4
Last lecture we started with template meta programming
- Implement type-independent functionality
- Class templates/function templates
- Generic attributes being able to hold arbitrary data type
- Generic member function realizing the default behaviour
- Implement specialized variants of member functions to support special behaviour, e.g., dot product for complex types
- Instantiate class with concrete types (double, float, etc.)
Instantiate class with concrete types (double, float, etc.)¶
C++ allows you to partially specialize class templates
template<typename S>
std::complex<S> Vector<std::complex<S> >::dot(const Vector<std::complex<S> > other) const
std::complex<S> d=0;
for (auto i=0; i<n; i++)
d += data[i]*std::conj(other.data[i]);
return d;
Note that this code will not compile. We will see why and learn remedies. Welcome to where template magic begins!
Today, advanced template meta programming
- Full template specialization of complete classes
- Full template specialization of individual member functions
- Partial template specialization of class templates
- Type traits
- SFINAE paradigm
Template specialization¶
Type-independent default implementation
This implementation is used whenever there is no (partial) specialization of the struct Demo
and/or its functions
#include <iostream>
#include <complex>
template<typename T, typename I>
struct Demo
static void info() {
std::cout << "Generic info" << "\n";
static void test() {
std::cout << "Generic test" << "\n";
Demo<int, double>::info(); // Outputs: Generic info
Demo<std::complex<float>, char>::test(); // Outputs: Generic test
Go here for visualization: https://www.online-ide.com/GWnUgMLJ3N
Class template specialization¶
Task: implement a template specialization of the entire
struct Demo
for T=float
and I=long
Note that template specialization does not imply class inheritance; that is, all attributes/functions that you want to have in a specialized class have to be implemented
Think of class specialization as implementing a new independent struct Demo<float, long>
thatjusthasthe same name as the generic struct Demo<T,I>
Fully specialized implementation of the entire structure
struct Demo<float, long>
static void info() {
std::cout << "Fully specialized info" << std::endl;
static void test() {
std::cout << "Fully specialized test" << std::endl;
Demo<float, long>::info(); // Outputs: Fully specialized info
Demo<float, long>::test(); // Outputs: Fully specialized test
Fully specialized implementation of the entire structure but without a member function test()
Note: run here https://www.online-ide.com/1xpEOkqRAr
template<typename T, typename I>
struct Demo
static void info() {
std::cout << "Generic info" << std::endl;
static void test() {
std::cout << "Generic test" << std::endl;
// Full specialization of the Demo class for float and long
struct Demo<float, long>
static void info() {
std::cout << "Fully specialized info" << std::endl;
// Optionally, provide a specialized version of test() if needed
// static void test() {
// std::cout << "Fully specialized test" << std::endl;
// }
Demo<float, long>::info(); // Calls the specialized info
//Demo<float, long>::test(); // Calls the specialized test (if defined)
Class-function template specialization¶
Task: implement a specialization of the member function info()
for T=float
and I=long
Since we only implement a specialization for the individual function info()
, the implementation of function test()
from the non-specialized struct Demo
remains available
Think of member function specialization as superseding individual member functions by specialized variants
Fully specialized implementation of function info()
void Demo<double, long>::info() {
std::cout << "Fully specialised info" << std::endl; }
This implementation provides the specialization of function
and the generic implementation of function test()
Demo<double,long>::info(); // Calls the class-function specialization
Demo<double,long>::test(); // Calls the generic implementation
Class template partial specialization¶
Task: implement a specialization of the entire struct Demo
for T=float
and arbitrary template parameter value I
Partially specialized implementation of the structure
Note: click here https://www.online-ide.com/bpLsXnCKG8
template<typename T, typename I>
struct Demo
static void info() {
std::cout << "Generic info" << std::endl;
static void test() {
std::cout << "Generic test" << std::endl;
// Partial specialization of the Demo class for the first parameter being double
template<typename I>
struct Demo<double, I>
static void info() {
std::cout << "Partially specialized info" << std::endl;
static void test() {
std::cout << "Partially specialized test" << std::endl;
Demo<double, long>::info(); // Outputs: Partially specialized info
Demo<double, int>::test(); // Outputs: Partially specialized test
Demo<float, int>::info(); // Outputs: Generic info
Class-function template partial specialization¶
Task: implement a specialization of member function info()
for T=float
and arbitrary template parameter value I
Partial function template specialization is not possible in C++
template<typename I>
void Demo<float, I>::info() {...}
Stay tuned, there are tricks to solve this problem
Summary template specialization¶
Given a templated class with member functions
- Entire class can be fully or partially specialized
- Individual member functions can be fully specialized
- Individual member functions cannot be partially specialized
Full/partial class specialization is like implementing a new individual class that can be accessed by the same name
Full function specialization is like superseding individual member functions by specialized variants
Remember the specialized dot product for complex-valued vectors from the previous session, will this work?
template<typename T> class Vector {
T dot(const Vector<T>& other) const {...}
template<typename S> std::complex<S>
Vector<std::complex<S> >::dot(const Vector<std::complex<S> > other) const
std::complex<S> d=0;
for (auto i=0; i<n; i++)
d += data[i]*std::conj(other.data[i]);
return d;
SFINAE paradigm¶
C++ allows us to write overloaded functions with different input parameter lists, e.g.,
static void info() {...}
static void info(int i) {...}
It is, however, not allowed to overload functions that only differ in the type of their return parameter, e.g.,
static void info() {...}
static int info() {...}
C++11 standard states:
If a substitution results in an invalid type or expression, type deduction fails. An invalid type or expression is one that would be ill-formed if written using the substituted arguments. Only invalid types and expressions in the immediate context of the function type and its template parameter types can result in a deduction failure.
SFINAE: Substitution Failure Is Not An Error
C++11 standard rephrased for our purpose:
If a template substitution leads to invalid code then the compiler must not throw an error but look for another candidate (i.e. the second templated implementation of our function); an error is just thrown if no other candidate can be found so that the function call remains unresolved
SFINAE: Substitution Failure Is Not An Error
- Write multiple implementations of the same function with
- the same name and
- the same input parameters
- Ensure – via template meta programming – that exactly one at a time results in valid code upon substitution of the template parameters and all other candidates yield invalid expressions
Intermezzo: Traits¶
Consider the is_double
function which returns true
depending on the type of the parameter passed via explicit template specialization
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
template<typename T>
bool is_double(T a) { return false; }
bool is_double<double>(double a) { return true; }
std::cout << std::boolalpha; // Print 'true' or 'false' for bool values
std::cout << "is_int(42): " << is_double(42) << std::endl; // Prints 'true'
std::cout << "is_int(42.0): " << is_double(42.0) << std::endl; // Prints 'true'
std::cout << "is_int('A'): " << is_double('A') << std::endl; // Prints 'false'
NOTE: Go to this link to run https://www.online-ide.com/wkmgjVG8yH
Consider the templated is_double
structure with specialization
#include <iostream>
template<typename T>
struct is_double
const static bool value = false;
struct is_double<double>
const static bool value = true;
std::cout << "is_double<int>::value: " << is_double<int>::value << std::endl; // Prints 'false'
std::cout << "is_double<double>::value: " << is_double<double>::value << std::endl; // Prints 'true'
NOTE: Go to this link to run https://www.online-ide.com/0RIfmNvHFK
Detect if a given type is double
without passing a parameter
std::cout << is_double<int>::value << std::endl;
std::cout << is_double<double>::value << std::endl;
The is_double
type trait can be used in templated functions
template<typename T>
void test(T a)
if (is_double<T>::value)
std::cout << "Double :" << a << std::endl;
std::cout << "Non-Double :" << a << std::endl;
The is_double
type trait is evaluated at compile time in contrast to the is_double()
function which (theoretically) might trigger an extra function call at run time (slow!)
A smart compiler will eliminate the if-else clause
void test(double a)
if (is_double<T>::value)
std::cout << "Double :" << a << std::endl;
std::cout << "Non-Double :" << a << std::endl;
C++ brings many type traits via #include <type_traits>
Function | Description |
is_class<T> | Type T is of class type |
is_const<T> | Type T has const qualifier |
is_floating_point<T> | Type T is floating point (float, double, long) |
is_fundamental<T> | Type T is of fundamental type (int, double, ...) |
is_integral<T> | Type T is of integral type (int, long int, ...) |
is_pointer<T> | Type T is of pointer type |
For a complete list of standard type traits look at:http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/type_traits/
The aforementioned C++ standard type traits provide
- Member constants:
value (=true/false)
- Member types:
value_type (=bool)
andtype (=true_type/false_type)
Member constants/types can be directly accessed
is_fundamental<int>::value // true
is_fundamental<int>::value_type // bool
Intermezzo: Types Traits¶
C++ provides type traits that operate on the type
#include <type_traits>
#include <typeinfo>
#include <iostream>
typedef std::add_const<int>::type A;
typedef std::add_const<const int>::type B;
typedef std::add_pointer<int>::type C;
typedef std::add_pointer<const int>::type D;
typedef std::add_pointer<int&>::type E;
typedef std::add_pointer<int*>::type F;
typedef std::add_pointer<int(int)>::type G;
std::cout << "Type A: " << typeid(A).name() << " (expected: const int)" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Type B: " << typeid(B).name() << " (expected: const int)" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Type C: " << typeid(C).name() << " (expected: int*)" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Type D: " << typeid(D).name() << " (expected: const int*)" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Type E: " << typeid(E).name() << " (expected: int*)" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Type F: " << typeid(F).name() << " (expected: int**)" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Type G: " << typeid(G).name() << " (expected: int(*)(int))" << std::endl;
Type A: i (expected: const int) Type B: i (expected: const int) Type C: Pi (expected: int*) Type D: PKi (expected: const int*) Type E: Pi (expected: int*) Type F: PPi (expected: int**) Type G: PFiiE (expected: int(*)(int))
C++ provides type traits that operate on the type
typedef remove_const< int> A; // int (unchanged)
typedef remove_const<const int> B; // int
typedef remove_pointer<int > C; // int
typedef remove_pointer<int* > D; // int
typedef remove_pointer<int**> E; // int*
typedef remove_pointer<const int > F; // const int
typedef remove_pointer<const int*> G; // const int
typedef remove_pointer<int* const> H; // int
C++ provides type traits that operate on two types
Check if two types are exactly the same (including qualifiers)
bool is_same<A, B>::value
bool is_same<int, int>::value // true
bool is_same<int, const int>::value // false
bool is_same<remove_const< int>,
remove_const<const int> >::value // true
C++ provides type traits that operate on two types
Check if type B is derived from type A
#include <type_traits>
#include <iostream>
struct A {};
struct B : A {};
std::cout << std::boolalpha; // Print 'true' or 'false' for bool values
std::cout << "is_base_of<A, B>::value: " << std::is_base_of<A, B>::value << '\n'; // true
std::cout << "is_base_of<A, A>::value: " << std::is_base_of<A, A>::value << '\n'; // true
std::cout << "is_base_of<B, A>::value: " << std::is_base_of<B, A>::value << '\n'; // false
std::cout << "is_base_of<B, B>::value: " << std::is_base_of<B, B>::value << '\n'; // true
is_base_of<A, B>::value: true is_base_of<A, A>::value: true is_base_of<B, A>::value: false is_base_of<B, B>::value: true
C++ provides type trait to enable types conditionally
If is_odd
is called with an integral type (e.g., int
) the compiler
expands the following templated function as follows
bool is_odd(int i) { return bool(i%2); }
NOTE: Go to this link to run https://www.online-ide.com/R5hs4oQSAD
#include <iostream>
#include <type_traits>
template<typename T>
typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<T>::value, bool>::type
is_odd(T i) {
return bool(i % 2);
int i = 2;
std::cout << "i is odd: " << is_odd(i) << std::endl;
C++ provides type trait to enable types conditionally
template<typename T>
typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<T>::value, bool>::type
is_odd(T i) {
return bool(i%2);
float i=2;
std::cout << "i is odd :" << is_odd(i) << std::endl;
If is_odd
is called with a non-integral type (e.g., float
) the compiler expands the above templated function as follows
is_odd(float i) { return bool(i%2); } // compiler error
SFINAE revisited¶
SFINAE: Substitution Failure Is Not An Error
- Write multiple implementations of the same function with
- the same name and
- the same input parameters
- Ensure using the
type trait that exactly one at a time results in valid code upon substitution of template parameters and all other candidates yield invalid expressions
Consider the info()
member function
template<typename T, typename I>
struct Demo {
static void info() { ... };
Enable return type void
only in case I=int
and let info()
no return type (=invalid code) if I is of any other type
bool v = std::is_same<I, int>::value // either true or false
std::enable_if<v, void>::type // either void or empty
SFINAE revisited¶
First attempt of partially specialized info()
member function
template<typename T, typename I>
struct Demo
// partial specialization for I=int
typename std::enable_if< std::is_same<I, int>::value, void>::type
static info() { ... };
// partial specialization for I!=int
typename std::enable_if<!std::is_same<I, int>::value, void>::type
static info() { ... };
This code will not compile; we need to introduce an extra function template parameter for the info()
Partially specialized info()
member function (now working!)
template<typename T, typename I>
struct Demo
template<typename J=I>
typename std::enable_if< std::is_same<J, int>::value, void>::type
static info() { ... };
template<typename J=I>
typename std::enable_if<!std::is_same<J, int>::value, void>::type
static info() { ... };
In words...
- Introduce an extra function template parameter
that, by default, takes the value of the class template parameterI
template<typename J=I>
- Make type traits depend on extra template parameter
typename std::enable_if< std::is_same<J, int>::value, void>::type
- Make sure that exactly one member function leads to valid code
typename std::enable_if<!std::is_same<J, int>::value, void>::type
Dot product revisited¶
Let us reconsider the dot product for complex-valued vectors
Use SFINAE paradigm to realise alternative implementations of the dot product for real- and complex-valued types
- Write type trait
that hasvalue=true
is of typestd::complex<U>
otherwise - Use type trait
to distinguish between real- and complex-valued implementation of the dot product
Type trait is_complex
First implementation of type trait is_complex
(will suffice for
our purpose but is not really in line with standard traits)
template<typename T>
struct is_complex
{ static const bool value = false; };
struct is_complex<std::complex<float> >
{ static const bool value = true; };
struct is_complex<std::complex<double> >
{ static const bool value = true; };
C++ standard way to implement type traits is by deriving
from structure std::integral_constant<T, value>
template<typename T>
struct is_complex
: std::integral_constant<bool,
std::is_same<T, std::complex<float> >::value ||
std::is_same<T, std::complex<double> >::value > {};
Logical combination (&&
, ||
) of all std::complex<S>
types that should be supported by the is_complex
type trait
Implementation of dot product for complex-valued types
template<typename T>
class Vector {
template<typename U=T>
typename std::enable_if<is_complex<U>::value, U>::type
dot(const Vector<T>& other) const {
T d=0;
for (auto i=0; i<n; i++)
d += data[i]*std::conj(other.data[i]); return d;
Implementation of dot-product for real-valued types
template<typename T>
class Vector {
template<typename U=T>
typename std::enable_if<!is_complex<U>::value, U>::type
dot(const Vector<T>& other) const {
T d=0;
for (auto i=0; i<n; i++)
d += data[i]*other.data[i];
return d;
Summary SFINAE paradigm¶
General approach to circumvent the limitations of C++ to not allow partial specialization of member function templates
- Use
or self-written type trait to switch between different implementations of a function
Default template arguments for function templates
(template<typename J=I>
)are a new feature in C++11
For a complete list of standard type traits look at: http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/type_traits/
What does this code do?
struct A {};
struct B : A {};
struct C {};
template<typename T>
typename auto get_base_type(T t) {
typename std::conditional<std::is_base_of<A,T>::value, A, T>::type ReturnType;
return ReturnType(t);
See the get_base_type
function in action
A a; B b; C c;
typeid(a).name() // -> 1A
typeid(b).name() // -> 1B
typeid(c).name() // -> 1C
typeid(get_base_type(a)).name() // -> 1A
typeid(get_base_type(b)).name() // -> 1A
typeid(get_base_type(c)).name() // -> 1C
Final word on SFINAE¶
Recall that we started the SFINAE-journey since we needed partial specialization of the dot-product member function
It is also possible to specialize the conj-function instead
How would you implement the function std::conj(...)
- What return type should we expect for real-valued data?
- What return type should we expect for complex-valued data?
A possible implementation of the function std::conj(...)
that uses the self-written is_complex
type trait
template<typename T>
typename std::enable_if<is_complex<T>::value, T>::type static conj(T t)
{ return T(t.real(), -t.imag()); }
template<typename T>
typename std::enable_if<!is_complex<T>::value, T>::type static conj(T t)
{ return T(t); }